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a night train 意味

"a night train"の例文


  • 夜行列車
  • night     night n. 夜, 一夜; 日暮れ; 夜陰. 【動詞+】 I attended the first night of the Globe
  • train     1train n. (1) 列車, 汽車, 電車. 【動詞+】 He boarded a train at Waterloo.
  • night train     night train 夜行 やぎょう やこう 夜汽車 よぎしゃ
  • night train    night train 夜行 やぎょう やこう 夜汽車 よぎしゃ
  • last train of the night    終発{しゅうはつ}の電車{でんしゃ}
  • night train to kathmandu    {映画} : 《The ~》カトマンズの伝説◆米1988
  • night train to terror    {映画} : 悪夢の銀河鉄道◆米1984
  • take a night train    夜行で行く
  • spend the night on a train following the earthquake    地震{じしん}の後列車で一夜{いちや}を過ごす
  • by train    列車で
  • in a train    車中で
  • in the train of    {1} : ~の後に続いて、~に引き続いて -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : ~の結果{けっか}として
  • in train    準備が整って、順調に進んで、準備万端で
  • in-train     ín-tràin 【名】 【C】 到着列車. in O's tráin 1 Click... in tráin 2 Click...
  • on a train    車中で


  • also , since there were only a few passengers on the 1st or 2nd grade compartments of a night train , it would not have been possible to ask for help when a crime was committed .
  • they left shinbashi on a night train; on july 8 , arrived at kyoto and stayed there over two nights; on july 10 , soseki parted from shiki at kobe; and on july 11 , arrived at okayama .
  • in the middle of the night of december 2 , 1898 , a night train that left national railway osaka station at 6:24 pm on the day before was running to mitajiri station (currently hofu station ).
  • in the middle of the night of december 2 , 1898 , a night train that left national railway osaka station at 6:24 pm on the day before was running to mitajiri station (currently hofu station ).
  • as for the line running across the coast of the sea of japan , the 511 and 512 trains , which ran as a night train in the section of the uetsu line , and the 513 and 514 trains (which then had a running distance of 1055 .6 km ), which ran as a night train twice in the section of the hokuriku line and the ou line , ran between osaka and aomori .
  • as for the line running across the coast of the sea of japan , the 511 and 512 trains , which ran as a night train in the section of the uetsu line , and the 513 and 514 trains (which then had a running distance of 1055 .6 km ), which ran as a night train twice in the section of the hokuriku line and the ou line , ran between osaka and aomori .
  • as of november 19 , 1956 , when the japan national railway ' s revised schedule was implemented , 111 and 112 trains ran between tokyo and moji via the tokaido main line and the sanyo main line (ran as a night train in the section of the tokaido main line , whose running distance was 1102 .8 km ); also , refer to the section of ' moonlight nagara ' ).
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